The Fortunate Latte from The Fortunate Cup

I love coffee almost as much as I love sugar (and wine, although wine is the clear cut winner).  There is nothing like the smell of fresh coffee. Add any sort of sugary flavoring along with whole milk and I am on board!

The Fortunate Latte starts out with a generous amount of Ghirardelli caramel syrup.  When I saw that going into the mug, I knew it was going to be great!  Add freshly ground espresso and some steamed whole milk and you figure out quickly why this is their signature drink.  The Fortunate Cup is a great coffee shop on the west side of Saratoga.  People were looking for a great meeting place that has free Wi-Fi, great lattes and delicious food and The Fortunate Cup fills that void.  Doreen opened in 2008 after leaving the finance world and she hasn’t looked back.  The name comes from a thoroughbred horse that runs in Saratoga and it brought the owner a lot of good luck.  Doreen thought it would be the perfect name for the café, which has proven to be a good choice since this place really is a winner!!
